Saturday, November 12, 2011

Indoctrination is Going Well!

Kai is able to brush all on his own without any help or persuasion from Mom.  As long as his opposing arm is moving along with him, he is good.

Greenfield Farm!

To celebrate Halloween, we went to Greenfield Farm to pick a pumpkin, pet animals, and experience a huge black slide.  The screaming you hear, unfortunately, is not Brian!


This year Kai was old enough so we decided to take him trunk or treating at the church.  He did really well picking out the candy and putting it in his bag.  Of course, he never picked the flavor mommy and daddy wanted him too.  He did try and be sneaky at the end and snatch another piece. 


Brian (and Stacey) needed a break from school, so we decided to drive to D.C. and go to the zoo! Kai really enjoyed looking and waving at the floating turtles!

Kai Likes to Play "Where's Kai" while He Eats

The Evolution of Dance

We don't know where he learns this, but Kai seems to be incorporating more moves into his dance routine!